Model identification guide: Top Line Lockdowns

ith the Vacuum Filler Parker developed a Top Line and a Bottom Line, that continued with the new Vacumatics, the difference being mainly price and size, and later also design. The Top line had a life time guarantee, while the Bottom Line had not. The Top Line had "jewels" at both ends of the pens in the same colour as the pen (while the Bottom Line pens had black jewels). Top Line Lockdown pens also had coloured sections (the bottom part that holds the nib and ink-feed), while the bottom line pens subsequently had black sections. The most noticable feature of the Top Line pens was of course the three cap rings, while the Bottom Line only had two.

There were four sizes of pens in the Top Line.

Click on the pen that
correlates with Yours in size!


From left: Oversize, Slender Oversize, Senior, Standard and Slender. The Slender Oversize may not have been in the regular line up it replaced the unevenly ringed Senior in 1936 and was subsequently discontinued for the Slende Maxima.


Since sizes vary in the production of these pens the sizes may differ.
Oversize Slender Oversize Standard slender

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