Model identification guide: Bottom Line Lockdowns

he Bottom Line of the Vacumatics were cheaper and did not have the lifetime guarantee of the top line.
The Bottom Line models were smaller than the Top Line pens and had only two cap bands. The two jewels (clipscrew and tassie) were made in black only (while the top line followed the pens colour and design).

ince the designs constantly changed it is possible to pinpoint the age of the pen within a few years of production. There were three sizes of pens in the bottom line. The first size was made back in the Golden Arrow days, from 1932, it's usually referred to as the Junior and the size is about 14 mm wide and 124 mm long, when closed. 1933 until early in 1934 the Sub Junior was offered. It is of the same width as the Junior but shorter 14 mm wide and 112 mm long, the third size the Slender Junior replaced the Sub Junior in 1934 and was a shorter and thinner version, 12 mm wide and 124 mm long.

nfortunately the sizes vary from pen to pen, but usually the approximation will suffice.

Click on the pen that correlates with Yours in size!


There are three sizes of the Bottom line lockdown fillers. From the left: The Junior, Slender Junior and Sub Junior. Click on the pen that is about the same size as Yours.


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